Richard47's photo of his Suzuki Goose posed in the English Countyside takes the prize for Photo of the Week for May 20, 2011.
Congratulations to Richard47 for submitting the POTW for May 20, 2011. Richard’s tricked-out Suzuki Goose is poised to blast across the English Countryside near Salisbury. What I really like about this shot is the ribbon of road leading the eye towards the stand of trees in the distance. The hill on the left creates a bit of tension that pushes the viewer onto and down the road. The whole scene is exposed nicely and there is only the slightest hint of haze in the distance. Great job Richard47, you are now in the hunt for the $500 from EVS.
For this week’s moto-photo tip I want you to think about light. Photography at its most basic is capturing light on a sensor or film, and at its most difficult it is managing and shaping light to get a desired result. One trick to get some great lighting is to take your photographs when the sun is low on the horizon. I’m a late riser so for me this means shooting in the afternoon as the sun begins to move west. With the sun lower in the sky the light hits the motorcycle at more of a head-on or direct angle rather than from above. This makes it possible to get the whole rider and bike exposed more evenly and creates wonderful shadows in all the right places. So the gist of this tip is to not take your beauty photos at high noon if you can help it. You will avoid a washed out, flat looking photo. So get out there and ride all day, and wait till the afternoon to let the sun work its magic at the end of the day.
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